Train The Trainer


What is Train the Trainer?

Train the Trainer is a platform where young amateur radio enthusiasts and youth coordinators can exchange their ideas and experiences on how to get more young people involved in the hobby. As part of the programme, IARU youth committees submit a report every three months, featuring the activities and events they have done since the last report, their ideas for the future, the problems they face, and much more. Other youngsters can then read these reports on the website and comment on them. This way youngsters can learn from each other and are motivated to spread the hobby of amateur radio among young people in their respective countries.

The name “Train the Trainer” stems from the idea that the platform will educate youngsters on the best methods to train new youngsters so they can become licensed amateur radio operators as well and to grow the number of young amateur radio “trainers”. Furthermore Train the Trainer will help in connecting youngsters who are active in youth work so they can organise events across borders and collaborate on events such as sub-regional YOTA events.

The report

The report is the main aspect of Train the Trainer, which is requested every three months. When a report is not requested, we are always happy to have reports, stories, or documents relating to your other events such as sub-regional YOTA camps and JOTA events.

The quarter-yearly report should feature a number of things:

    • Answers to the main questions sent by mail
    • The activities and events you have done since the last report and how young people
      responded to them
    •  The problems you are facing in getting new youngsters into amateur radio
    •  A number of new youngsters licensed since the last report.
    • Your amateur radio social media pages, websites, etc.
    • Pictures, videos, and files such as presentations, posters and articles which we could share to be used to train new youngsters

How to submit

If you want to submit a report, email us at The Train the Trainer team will then send you the questions and form where to fill the answers. The quarter-yearly deadline is always on the 15th of every third month.

Thank you to every team who sent a report for January’s TTT! The reports as well as summary report are now uploaded to the website. The latest request for reports was sent out on March 15th and the next deadline will be April 15th

Resources Download

Report Summaries

Societies social media channels

Team France

Team Italy

Team Sweden

Team Thailand

Team Germany

Team Austria

Team Belgium

Team Hungary

Team Estonia

Team Finland

Team Ethiopia

Team Czech Republic

Team Lithuania

Team Bulgaria

Team Spain

Team Tanzania

Team Great Britain

Team Tunisia

Team South Africa

Team Norway

Team Algeria

Team Netherlands

Team USA

Team Romania

Team Albania

Team Iceland

Team Macedonia

Team Slovakia