Train the Trainer report – France – DYM 2022

“Overall, this December YOTA Month was a great experience for me. I had plenty of opportunities to have fun on the air. So much that I took part in… 7 special calls! In France, I used to operate TM22YOTA during weekends and TM4YOTA during weekdays from my local radio club station or my school. When I was at home, I managed to use the four american special calls K8Y/O/T/A and 9A0YOTA remote stations. Besides, I was in charge of organizing the YOTA contest with this 9A0YOTA special call. It sounded like a mess at first but it actually went pretty well. There were 3 operators: me, Darije 9A3BYW and Ryan EI8KW. As I was on vacation, I also had to set up a log server remotely a few days before and between two ski slopes ^^. The craziest part of this contest was during my shift turns, I had to do most of the contacts in my car, laptop on knees while going back home! The whole month was an amazing adventure with a lot of surprises, friends heard on the air, experimental modes (SSTV, FREEDV, PSK31…) and last but not least, massive pileups! My hype was so high for this year and all went so well that I hope to get the same hype for next year.”

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Train the Trainer report – France – January 2021

Beginning from 2021 there are some changes to Train the Trainer reports. The biggest of them being that the participating countries are from now on asked direct questions in order to make answering the report easier. The answers in this particular report are from member(s) of YOTA team France

Read team France’s TTT 1/2021

Train the Trainer Report – Team France – July 2020

TTT France 5th July 2020

As we all know is has been difficult to organize something or even to imagine the future.
News here are good, one of the F youngsters left France in January to study in South Korea, the others obtains degrees and achieved their studies.

Each youngsters enjoyed “on-air” time on their own (a bit sad by the way). I took part in the ARRL DX SSB from LX7I, then enjoyed the WPX SSB in 9A remotely from France and then I will have the opportunity for the second time to join HQ team during the upcoming IARU.

YOTA F activities are down, and for the next five years I really hope that we will have more and more young licenced in France. There will be events as each year to promote local clubstation and society where each youngsters will be present to promote their activity. There is also the science weeks (october) where we have at the local clubstation 4 days of presentation of the hobby to boys and girls (from 7 to 10 years old).

Next year as we should have organized that activity this year, we will try to meet during a week end, as well as taking part together in a contest, and being at the SummerCamp !

Train the Trainer Report – Team France – January 2020

I create a telegram group where we are now 13 guys (no girls for the moment). These youngsters are very happy to have been contacted to join that kind of group. They are motivated to enjoy the radio together, there are a lot of great discussions. We know the existence of some others youngs ops, but they haven’t joined the group yet for unknown reasons. The group has been created before the DYM to allow the good organisation of the activation and to maximise the pleasure of sharing the moment with other youngsters, even if we are all far from the others.

For legal reasons we had to respect a 15 days restriction for special event station activity where OnAir time were concentrate during Wenk-ends and holydays period. We manage to make some 2400 QSO’s, those who were very new really enjoyed their beginning behind the mike or the key, those who were interested by being the DX were surprised of the pile they generated and surprised about the success of their own little pistol stations. We also had an article to promote and encourage F stations to be on the air and to welcome the newcomers behind the TM19YOTA call.

For our media, the website is not yet online, we are trying to move on that project to put it online very soon. Some adjustments with the society are needed but we hope it will soon move forward.

After some discussions with the society and the group, it appears that it would be great to organise an event with the youngsters in France who won’t be able to go in Croatia for the SummerCamp. We are reflecting about a 24h contest weekend who could be good to share a great radio time, an eyeball meets to know each other.

That’s a summary of what’s happen here since October.

Next months objectives : Read more….

Train the Trainer Report – Team France – October 2019

For the past two months, few things happen in France. Back from Sofia, I wrote first a CR for the REF society and the administrators who were convinced about the fact that what they did for me this year has to continue the next few years with me but not only, with the objective to see a YOTA France born. Then I have the ascent of the REF to write an article for RadioRef Mag, who is the only and the most read by the French amateur community radio magazine. At mid-October I met F5DJL President of REF and F1AGR who is the “coordinator” of the youth activities. I made two proposal who were quickly accepted. First, creating a website/page in French with goals to explain what YOTA is to the 15-26 population of F licenced, and to let know to the French amateur community that there are some youngsters involved in this hobby in their own country. The other goal of this page is to allow everyone who is interested by YOTA to get directly a contact with someone who knows what he is talking about (not someone who’ll ask someone else and then no answer). The last goal comes with the second initiative I took, create a Telegram YOTA France, a unique group, not one on WhatsApp, not one on snapchat, a unique Telegram group where all Youngsters from France can start to speak and organise events together (so inform that there is a formal group of discussion for those who don’t think that it could be exist or don’t find the person who can enter it in the group). If they are interested by the international part of the YOTA Group, of course they’ll be added on the Gen Group. Read more….