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Youngsters On The Air

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The proceeds support youngsters on the air

YOTA is a quickly growing group of young radio amateurs from IARU Region 1. It is our goal to get more young people interested in amateur radio and grow the amateur radio community. Every summer around 80 youngsters meet up in a different IARU Region 1 country every year for a week of exchanging ideas and experiences. At the summer camp youngsters learn how to organise youth activities in their own countries, for example presentations at schools, smaller camps for youngsters and more. All to get more young people fascinated by amateur radio. During the year youngsters organise a number of sub-regional camps for a smaller number of youngsters, also those who do not have a license yet. There are also young contest teams, special callsigns, and lots of other activities.

The goal of YOTA is to welcome new and young amateur radio operators to our beautiful hobby. We live in a world where communication is being digitalised in a way that we almost can’t keep up with. In times like this it’s important to convince people about the importance of our hobby. Together with other youngsters all around the world, we can make the difference and give our hobby the future it deserves! YOTA is creating the next generation of amateur radio enthusiasts, bringing new energy into the hobby.

Join the YOTA community – now on Discord!

Every year we bring people together through camps and events. Now we want to invite you to our Discord server, a place for you to keep in touch outside our events, share your experiences and love for this hobby and most importantly – make new amateur radio friends online!

How can you join the YOTA server? https://discord.gg/ZGB9xFeRGD

Who can join the YOTA server? Everyone that is interested in ham radio is free to join the server.

Let’s make this community bigger and better – don’t forget to invite your friends to join us on! Join here! Join now and let’s explore the world of amateur radio together!

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Together we can give our hobby the future it deserves!