Train the Trainer report – Norway – December 2018

By December 17, 2018Train the trainer
My report will be short, as I have not done very much in the last months. I do not expect that it will change much the next months either, but I can of course send a short report.
Norway (LA,LB)
We have not had any norwegian youth activities coordinated with the youth coordinator during the last months.
What did happen, is a Nordic youth team meeting close to Jyväskylä, Finland at the beginning of November. The Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish youth teams met up, joined by the Icelanders over Skype.  We discussed different ways of doing youth work and how we do it in our respective countries. In addition to being an area for learning, we also got to know each other better, which is useful for future cooperation.
The nordic youth teams have a common Instagram, @nordicsontheair.
For young Norwegian radio amateurs, there is a Facebook group called “Unge radioamatører Norge”.

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