

Call for applications – YOTA Czechia 2024

By | Publication, YOTA Czech Republic 2024 | No Comments

The IARU Region 1 Youth Working Group together with the Czech Radio Club are pleased to announce the 12th  annual YOTA Summer Camp – this time in Czechia.

The event will take place in Prague from 16th to 23rd of August 2024. We are able to host 100 ambitious youngsters from around IARU Region 1 including guest teams from Regions 2 and 3.

If your Member Society is considering sending a national YOTA Team to this event, please fill out the preliminary application form here. The teams consist of a team leader (aged 18-30) and 0-3 team members (aged 15-25). Please choose the participants according to their level of interest for the hobby and the program. The camp is both a place to have fun and become a part of the community, and an opportunity to learn.

The final team size of each member society will be announced after the application deadline on February 29th 2024. Afterwards you will be given more time to name your participants using another online form.


In case you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us via youth@iaru-r1.org.

YOTA Summer Camp 2023 | Day 4 | 09.08.2023

By | Publication, YOTA Hungary 2023 | No Comments

After a short sleep of 3 hours, the day started with a lecture given by Josipa 9A3GVJ just after breakfast, where she presented us with the basics and some ideas on how to organize youth events in our countries. Although we knew some of the programs mentioned, she came up with some good ideas that we will use for sure back in Spain.

Just after that, we divided into 15 groups and each group had to plan one youth activity following some statements. This was actually very nice as the colleagues in our groups were from different countries and this helped us to have a variety of opinions on how youth activities perform in our respective countries.

The morning wasn’t still over. Zoli HA1AG explained to us some tricks and advice on how to operate digital modes on our day-to-day and in contests. After his recommendations, we reached half of our day, time for lunch!

Afterward, we went to the radio station to get on the air with the special call from camp HG23YOTA. We had very nice pileups, and they weren’t the only ones, as the next activity was the Off-air contest. It’s called off-air as no radios are used. How is this possible? Our voices became our radios, we had to break through the pileup of the rest stations, having very rare DX stations like 3Y0J, HV0CN, and E66E. It was the first time that the members of our team participated in this type of contest, and they really liked it! Definitely, another idea we will try in Spain.

Off-air Contest in action

The schedule ended with some Kahoots about some curiosities about Hungary and some concepts we learned in the past lectures. Suspiciously, the Hungarian team won the Kahoot about Hungary… 🤨 It was time for dinner, some free time to get on the air and enjoy the camp with the rest of the teams until dawn.

YOTA Summer Camp 2023 | Day 0 | 05.08.2023

By | Publication, YOTA Hungary 2023 | No Comments

The 11th annual YOTA Summer Camp is here, and we already know it’s going to be an unforgettable week! From August 5th to 12th, we’re gathering in Győr, Hungary, with over 100 youngsters from 25 different countries. In our daily blog posts from the camp, you can stay updated on what’s happening on the biggest camp of the year for young hams.

While the first teams came to Hungary already on Friday, Saturday was the main day for arrivals. The teams from all around the world arrived at the campsite located at Széchenyi István University in Győr. In the 2023 edition of the summer camp, we are proud to say that multiple new societies are represented for the first time, including Egypt, Singapore, and the Republic of Korea.

In the evening the camp began with the official opening ceremony. In the ceremony we heard greetings from people behind the camp including organizers, IARU representatives, and the President of MRASZ – the Hungarian Radio Amateur Society. The participants also got their first look at the highlights of the interesting program that the camp offers.

The opening ceremony was live-streamed on the YOTA YouTube channel. You can watch the recording of the opening ceremony here: https://www.youtube.com/live/zYSZ42vp2rc?feature=share

The post continues after the picture

The program on the camp will be varying with a focus on teaching and experiences. The interesting lectures will among other things teach the participants about the world of contesting, SDR, and High-speed telegraphy. Participants are given a chance to practice kit-building and ARDF. There is even a possibility to participate in a CW course. As different cultures are always present at the YOTA Camp, the popular intercultural evening will happen once more. The camp will also include excursions to the capital city Budapest and the beautiful city of Győr where the camp is held.

Tomorrow you will hear about what we did on the first whole day at the campsite. But before that, find us on air with the callsign HG23YOTA and greet the future of the ham radio!

Check the pictures from the first day: https://www.ham-yota.com/gallery/?albumid=12085