Train the Trainer report – Ethiopia – December 2018

By January 3, 2019Train the trainer

Training Young Operators:

As it is already mentioned in the previous report, there are new youngsters actively engaging in our society. They have been taking introductory courses about ham radio for the last three months and now they can turn on radio and work QSO easily. Currently, those youngsters are operating only on SSB and FT8 mode, but they are also interested to learn other modes like CW and RTTY.

CQ Worldwide DX:

This year ET3AA participation in CQ WW DX contest was successful like previous years. Our operators were able to made 1350 contacts with 55 zones both in 20m and 15m. This contest was a great opportunity for the new youngsters to get an exposure to the idea of contesting.

December YOTA:

This year December YOTA was very successful compared to previous years experience. We were able to made about 4000 contacts and won a silver award for the first time in our station history. In addition to this, two guest operators (Bob Johnson W9XY and Ken Claerbout K4ZW) from USA were operating from our station for one week and this was a very good opportunity for our members to get experience about 160m and 80m bands.

Other Activities:

In addition to the above activities, our youngsters were working on 10 Watt QSX kit building and construction of Spider Beam antenna which can work on both 160m and 80m with the help of Ken Claerbout (K4ZW).

Plans for the Next two Months Organizing Workshop:

For the coming two months we have a plan to organize more workshops with strong emphasis in creating awareness about ham radio in our community.

Training Session:

We also have a plan to organize different training session both by our senior members and guest ham operators. In these training sessions we are planing to include other modes of operations in addition to SSB. The main objective of the training sessions is to attract as many youngsters as possible.

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