Last weekend the IARU R1 International Youth meeting took place at HAM Radio Friedrichshafen. An enthusiastic group of young people and youth workers attended the meeting. Philipp DK6SP and Florian OE3FTA gave a presentation about their experiences in IARU R1’s youth contesting program at 9A1A. Find here the presentation.
The meeting ended with a discussion where many youngsters and youth coordinators shared their experiences on youth activities in several IARU R1 member societies.
A few highlights:
- HamCamp had this year more than 100 participants, mostly youth
- A youth team activated for a weekend PA6YOTA and PD6YOTA from club station PI4CC
- Many Italian youngsters attended the meeting and shared several activities, such as taking part in a contest from IY4FGM, the location where Marconi transmitted the first radio signals
- OeVSV shared their positive experiences of hosting YOTA 2016 in Austria
- Radio amateurs from Japan and the USA joined the meeting, with interest of bringing Youngsters On The Air to IARU Region 2 and 3
YOTA key and flag hand over
On Saturday afternoon the official YOTA flag was literally brought from OeVSV booth to the RSGB booth under loud cheering of a group of youngsters. With a ceremony at the RSGB booth the flag and morse key where handed over from the Austrian youngsters to the British youngsters. Which means YOTA UK is now almost going to start, with only 3 weeks left. We are looking forward to the event which will welcome more than 80 participants from around 30 member societies.